Decorative Plates |
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#3871 Hand Painted Plates on O&E.G. Royal
Austria Whiteware. Signed. Undated. Most likely
the work of an American china painter. 6 7/8" diameter.
Excellent condition. SOLD
$20 each, November 2006 |
Item #3871 |
#2732 Hand Painted Plate Pansies. Signed
L. Cluck. No date. No
doubt an American China Painter. Beautiful multi-color
pansies on a soft pale green background. Notice the rococo scroll
design molded into the rim, as well as the elegant finishing touches of
reticulation. 8 3/8" diameter. Excellent
condition. SOLD
$50 July 2006 |
Item #2732 |
#2621 Old German Plate.
Gorgeous mythological figural scene with cherubs.
Appears to be hand painted, but is actually a transfer. Soft colors.
The only mark is a faded Made in Germany. It is no doubt a very old plate.
It is almost perfect, but does have some minor flaws which are 3 small pits
(see pictures). Notice also the light area in the picture below -- not
major -- still a gorgeous plate. It is priced
accordingly. 8 1/4" diameter.
$65 November 2005 |
Notice also there is a very light area on the edge of the
transfer. |
Item #2621 |
#2620 Austrian Style Plate, ES Germany
Prov SXE. Another very beautiful decorative plate with a
popular Angelica Kauffmann mythological figural scene in transfer. The
mark is the Prov SXE Beehive mark
used by Erdmann Schlegelmilch of Suhl,
Thuringia, Germany and one dated to c.1900-1920's
(Source: Collector's
Encyclopedia of R. S. Prussia, Mary Frank Gaston, pages 203,
204, 215-216). There is a plate very similar to this one on
page 218 of Gaston's book.
This is a green overglaze mark. Notice the rich deep colors of
cranberry, green, and gold. The intricate gold beading and gold
triangular designs around the inner rim set off this eye-catching plate.
Excellent condition.
1/4" diameter.
SOLD $125 January 2006 |
Item #2620 |
#2619 Limoges Figural Plate.
Not Old. Most likely 1970's or later. Haven't been able to find
this particular mark. It is, however, a very pretty decorative plate
with its appealing and typical Fragonard transfer scene, rich cranberry rim,
and elegant gold designs. Excellent condition. 8 1/2" diameter.
$55 January 2006 |
Item #2619 |
#2622 Lustre Figural Cake Plate.
The mark is that of K. Steinmann of Tiefenfurth, Silesia,
Germany, in business 1868-1938. (Source:
Kovel's New Dictionary of Marks, by
Ralph and Terry Kovel,
page 97). Where in those years this particular version of their
mark falls is unclear. This beautiful plate is in blended hues of
ivory, green, pink, and blue/purple. The mythological figural scene is
in transfer. NOT PERFECT, although it appears to be perfect except
upon close examination. There are some minor scratches in the center
and slight wear of the color on each of the raised areas around the inner
rim (see pictures). It is priced accordingly. The first picture
at the top is showing some light glare. It is 9 1/2" diameter at the
inset handles. SOLD
$50 December 2005 |
#2622 |
#2383 Edgewood China Figural Plate.
Colorful and beautiful figural scene in transfer (an Angelica Kaufman
scene which has been reproduced). Slight wear to the left of
the figure in the purple garment (see picture). Such an elegant plate
with all its golds, blues, pinks, purples, and greens. 9 3/4"
diameter. A very nice decorative plate.
SOLD $65 January
2006 |
Item #2383 |
#2752 MZ Austria Serving Tray or Platter.
The mark is that of Moritz Zdekauer of
Altrohlau, Austria, and is dated to
Pages 56 and 373 of Rontgen's and page 16 of
Directory of European Porcelain). Decorated
with beautiful transfer roses. Pretty
scalloped rim with only traces of gold trim that was once on portions of the
rim. Minor utensil marks visible when held just so in the light.
Still a very pretty and very old serving tray. 12 1/2" x 8 1/2".
$65 January 2006 |
Item #2752 |
#2716 Hand Painted Trivet Violets.
Signed "Bess". Dated 1966. No doubt an
American China Painter. Beautiful violets on a
background. Scalloped rim. 6 1/4" diameter.
Excellent condition. SOLD
$35 in Summer of 2005 |
Item #2716 |
#2748 Old German Plates, ROSES, ROSES.
La France Rose appears to be the
pattern name. The mark is that of K.
Steinmann Porzellanfabriken of Tiefenfurth, Silesia, Germany
(now known as Parowa, Poland) and was used
Marks on German, Bohemian, and Austrian Porcelain,
by Rontgen, pages 162 and 488). Gorgeous
plates. Large and beautiful transfer roses on pale green
background. Heavy gold trim around scalloped rims with some
ever-so-slight expected wear at some of the tips. Notice the pretty
mold design of the wide rims. 7" diameter.
3 good plates. 1 plate with a chip which will be
complimentary with the purchase of the other 3.
Old Beauties!! SOLD
$20 each plate, November 2005 |
Item #2748 |
#2562 Royal Crown Derby Tiffany Plates.
Beautiful hand painted and hand decorated display plates made by
Crown Derby in England for Tiffany & Co. in New York.
The mark dates these plates to 1890 (page 246 of
8 5/8" diameter. Ready for hanging on your wall. Heavy gold,
including gold beads on the inner rims. Elegant Beauties!!!
SOLD 7/12/05, $245 pair |
Item #2562 |
MZ Austria and Hapsburg China Saucer.
Scalloped gold trimmed rim. Excellent
condition except for slight flaking of paint on one rose -- not noticeable.
6" diameter.
$20 in 2005 |
Item #2182 |
#2317 Union T Czechoslovakia Plate.
Hand Painted floral swags around the reticulated rim. The center
florals appear to be a transfer pattern with hand painted finishing. A
very beautiful and very old plate. 6 1/8" diameter.
$20, August 2005 |
Item #2317 |
#2676 Royal Rudolstadt Plate. Beautiful
florals in transfer with hand painted touches. Has a signature that
looks like F Hahn. The mark is for
Beyer & Bock of Volkstedt, Germany, and dated
c.1905-1932 (Source:
Marks on German, Bohemian, and Austrian Porcelain,
by Rontgen, page 113). 6" diameter. Excellent
condition. SOLD
$25, August 20055,
$25 |
Item #2676 |
#1939 Trinket Dish. Excellent
condition. Hand painted and signed "Clifford Cox". No
doubt an American China Painter. Trinket dish with gold handle
and gold trim around the edge of the scalloped rim. Beautiful blue
flowers with nice detail. 6" across.
Item #1939 |
#2086 Bavarian "Crimson Rambler" Hand Painted Plate.
Beautiful crimson roses and gold trim. Signed. Perfect
Condition. Age unknown. 8 3/4" across.
#2086 |
#2393 Bavarian Hand Painted Plate.
Beautiful Lilacs in purple and lavender, surrounded by green foliage, with
touches of orange in the background as if the sun is shining through.
The mark on the back is that of Schonwald Porcelain Factory of Arzberg,
Bavaria, Germany. According to resources, this particular mark
was used between the years of 1920-27. (Source:
Marks on German, Bohemian, and Austrian Porcelain,
by Rontgen, pages 250 and 376) It appears
to be signed on the back side with L.L. 9 3/4" wide at
the handles x 9 1/4". Excellent
condition. SOLD |
Item #2393 |
#2611 Austrian Style Plate.
A beautiful decorative plate with a popular
Angelica Kauffmann figural scene in transfer. Although Austrian in
style, the beehive mark with the dot appears to be that
of Erdmann Schlegelmilch of Suhl, Thuringia,
Germany and one dated to c.1900's to 1920's
(Source: Collector's
Encyclopedia of R. S. Prussia,
Mary Frank Gaston, page 204).
This is a blue overglaze mark. Although the beehive mark has been used by
many, I am inclined to believe this is a genuine ES Germany mark. On
page 218 of Gaston's book, there is a plate very similar to this one.
Gorgeous cranberry, gold, and ivory. Ready for hanging on your wall
with an already-attached wall hangar in place. 6 3/8" diameter.
Excellent to perfect condition -- can't find anything wrong with it. A
gorgeous plate!! SOLD |
Item #2611 |
#1934 PM Bavaria Decorative Cake Plate.
According to references, the mark appears to be that of the Porcelain Factory Moschendorf
of Bavaria, Germany, in business c.1904-1938. Inset handles. Hand Painted Yellow Roses. Excellent
condition. Heavy gold trim around
the scalloped edges. A real beauty!!! 10"
across. SOLD |
Item #1934 |
#2689 AK France Old Cake Plate.
Floral Plate with inset handles. Completely hand painted
and hand decorated. No sign of a transfer of any
kind. Unsigned. Has had a professional repair (see picture of
rim below). It also has wear on the gold here and there, especially on
one handle (see picture). The
mark is a whiteware mark used c.1890's-1910 by
Klingenberg, a porcelain factory and decorating studio in
Limoges, France. (Source:
Collector's Encyclopedia of Limoges Porcelain, Third Edition,
by Gaston, page 216). 10 1/4" wide at the handles and 9 3/4"
wide top to bottom. SOLD |
Item #2689 |
#2282 Carlsbad Austria Cake Plate.
Inset handles. Beautiful fruit and floral decoration in
transfer. Scalloped rim trimmed in gold. One flaw which is
pictured. Some very minor hairline marks (NOT CRACKS) from normal use -- not
noticeable unless looking for them. 10 3/4" wide at handles.
Old, but exact age unknown at this writing. A
very beautiful decorative plate.
Item #2282 |
#2349 Vienna Austria Hand Painted Plate.
Large and beautiful scarlet red and pink roses. Scalloped rim trimmed
in gold. Signed M. Waterman, possibly an American china
painter, but not certain of that. The mark is possibly that of
P. H. Leonard, a New York importer of porcelain, who used a very
similar mark c.1890-1908 and in business c.1890-1910.
Considering the considerable wear on the mark and the overall appearance of
the backside of the plate, it is reasonable to believe this plate is most
likely from that era. 8 1/2" diameter. Excellent condition for
its apparent age and a beautiful display plate for any collection.
Item #2349 |
#2088 Three Crown China German Cake Plate. Floral plate in beautiful transfer roses, cutout
handles on scalloped rim with gold touches -- edge of rim probably had more
gold at one time. Very slight wear on green as shown in pictures.
Otherwise, perfect condition.
9 1/2" across.
#2088 |
#2345 Haviland Plate. So
pretty, it belongs in this decorative category. Beautiful pink flowers
in transfer. Pink, gold, and green on the scalloped rim. 6 1/8"
diameter. Excellent to perfect condition.
Item #2345 |
#2152 Turin Bavarian Grape Plate.
This a very beautiful decorative plate. The grapes are transfer.
Excellent to perfect condition. 8 1/2" diameter.
Item #2152 |
#2342 Arzberg Hand Painted Plate.
Large and beautiful Roses.
The word Arzberg is in green script and under the glaze -- most
likely a whiteware plate decorated outside the factory. Artist signed
(see picture). 10" diameter. Excellent condition.
Item #2341 |
#2348 Old Decorative Plate by Z. S. & Co.,
Bavaria. Mark appears to be that of Zeh, Scherzer &
Co., of Rehau, Bavaria, Germany, first used in c.1880. Large
and beautiful roses in transfer. The scalloped rim was probably once
heavily decorated, but now only remnants of a silver color remain -- it is
priced accordingly. Except for the wear of the colors, this plate is
in very good condition -- no chips, cracks, or crazing. 9 5/8"
diameter. A nice decorative plate for the money.
#2351 Pansy Plate. Pretty
lavenders, purples, yellows. Pansies appear to be a combination of
transfer pattern with color added by hand. Traces of gold still left
on the rococo style rim. Unmarked, but definitely an old
plate. 9 1/4" diameter. Excellent condition.
Item #2351 |
#2577 J.P.L. Limoges France Hand Painted
Plate. Signed. The green J.P.L. mark is a whiteware mark used
c.1890-1932 (Source:
Collector's Encyclopedia of Limoges Porcelain, Third Edition, by Gaston,
page 238). Beautiful purples and soft greens, white, browns.
Excellent condition. 9" diameter. SOLD |
Item #2577 |
#2352 Hand Painted Bavarian Pansy Plate.
This plate was apparently manufactured by the F. Thomas Porcelain
Factory of Marktredwitz, Bavaria, Germany, and eventually imported
into the United States and hand painted by Caine's Studio in Akron,
Ohio. The Thomas mark is dated to c.1908 plus.
As of this writing, I haven't been able to date the Caine's mark, but it is
most likely somewhere in that same era. Excellent condition. 8
1/2" diameter.
Item #2352 |
#2123 Figural Pin Tray. Unmarked. Figural scene is a transfer.
White daisies and leaves are hand painted. Heavy gold trim. 7
1/4" x 3 1/2". Excellent to perfect condition.
Unmarked |
#2123 |
#2085 Royal Munich Portrait Plate. This wonderful portrait gives
the appearance of being hand painted, but it is a transfer which appears to
have been finished by hand. There is no signature. It is without
a doubt a very old plate, but I haven't been able to find this mark to
determine age. It is excellent condition except for some minor
hairline scratches. It measures 9 7/8" across.
Item #2085 |
#2772 JKW Bavaria Dice Throwers Plate.
A very popular scene of beggar children throwing dice. This
scene is in transfer and was reproduced by many manufacturers, including R.
S. Prussia, after the original painting by Spanish artist Bartolome Esteban
Murillo, 1618-1682. (Source: R.
S. Prussia Popular Lines, Mary Frank Gaston, page 22)
This particular plate is from Josef Kuba of
Wiesau Bavaria, a porcelain factory and decorating studio.
The Western Germany part
of the mark dates it no earlier than 1949
when Western Germany was formed just after World War II. What
is interesting is that this JKW mark was overstamped with a crown and
shield and Hutchenreuther Tirschenreuther
Germany. There is yet a third mark --
Otco Bavaria Germany. I have no explanation for
this except to speculate that perhaps the blank plate was manufactured by Hutchenreuther, decorated by
JKW, and then distributed by OTCO -- perhaps OTCO
was a retailer???
The plate is absolutely beautiful with its gold trim on the deep blue
background. It is in excellent and beautiful condition. 10 1/4"
diameter. SOLD
$125, September
2005 |
Item #2772 |
#2420 JKW Bavaria Love Story Plate.
JKW is for the Josef Kuba Porcelain Factory
which was first established in Carlsbad around 1900 and then
re-established after World War II in Wiesau, Bavaria, Germany
(Source: Marks on German, Bohemian, and Austrian Porcelain
by Rontgen, pages 124 and 426). This Beautiful Love Story plate is
no earlier than late 1949 when Western Germany was established just after
World War II. Notice the beautiful transfer scenes in the center and around the rim, each
outlined in gold with a beaded design. Gorgeous Royal Blue in bed of
plate surrounding large center scene. 10 1/2" diameter. Perfect
Item #2420 |
#2066 Bavarian Love Story Figural Plate. Hand
Painted. 11" across. Perfect condition.
Item #2066 |
#2269 German Tirschenreuth Love Story
Platter. Perfect condition.
Beautiful sky blue with heavy gold trim surrounding each of the Love Story
figural scenes. A Gorgeous Plate. 14 1/2" long x 10 1/8" wide.
Item #2269 |
#2346C Beehive Style Austrian Hand Painted
Figural Plate. Rosenthal blank, hand
painted in Austria according to red back stamp of Herzog Galleries of
Houston. c. mid-20th century. The underglaze green
Rosenthal mark is dated to 1949-54. This gorgeous plate is in perfect
condition and speaks for itself with its cherubs and angels. 7 5/8"
diameter. Be sure
to view its companion plates on this page.
Item #2346C |
#2346E Beehive Style Austrian Hand Painted
Figural Plate. Rosenthal blank, hand
painted in Austria according to red back stamp of Herzog Galleries of
Houston. c. mid-20th century. The underglaze green
Rosenthal mark is dated to 1949-54. This gorgeous plate is in perfect
condition and speaks for itself with its cherubs and angels. 7 5/8"
diameter. Be sure
to view its companion plates on this page. SOLD |
Item #2346E |
#2346A Beehive Style Austrian Hand Painted
Figural Plate. Rosenthal blank, hand
painted in Austria according to red back stamp of Herzog Galleries of
Houston. c. mid-20th century. The underglaze green
Rosenthal mark is dated to 1949-54. This gorgeous plate is in perfect
condition and speaks for itself with its cherubs and angels. 7 5/8"
diameter. Be sure
to view its companion plates listed below.
Item #2346A |
#2346B Beehive Style Austrian Hand Painted
Figural Plate. Rosenthal blank, hand
painted in Austria according to red back stamp of Herzog Galleries of
Houston. c. mid-20th century. The underglaze green
Rosenthal mark is dated to 1949-54. This gorgeous plate is in perfect
condition and speaks for itself with its cherubs and angels. 7 5/8"
diameter. Be sure
to view its companion plates on this page.
Item #2346B |
#2346D Beehive Style Austrian Hand Painted
Figural Plate. Rosenthal blank, hand
painted in Austria according to red back stamp of Herzog Galleries of
Houston. c. mid-20th century. The underglaze green
Rosenthal mark is dated to 1949-54. This gorgeous plate is in perfect
condition and speaks for itself with its cherubs and angels. 7 5/8"
diameter. Be sure
to view its companion plates on this page. SOLD |
Item #2346D |
#2346F Beehive Style Austrian Hand Painted
Figural Plate. Rosenthal blank, hand
painted in Austria according to red back stamp of Herzog Galleries of
Houston. c. mid-20th century. The underglaze green
Rosenthal mark is dated to 1949-54. This gorgeous plate is in perfect
condition and speaks for itself with its cherubs and angels. 7 5/8"
diameter. Be sure
to view its companion plates on this page.
Item #2346F |
#2572 P. T. Bavaria Hand Painted Plate.
Beautiful pink flowers on bed of soft greens. 7 1/2" diameter.
Unsigned. The mark dates to somewhere between the years of
c.1903-1927 (Source:
Marks on German, Bohemian, and Austrian
Porcelain by Rontgen, pages 92 and 489; and
Directory of European Porcelain
by Danckert, page 453.) Perfect condition.
Item #2572 |
#2518 Limoges Figural Plates.
From George Borgfeldt, a New York importer with a porcelain
decorating studio in Paris, France, who used the Coronet mark
c.1906-1920. The star is a whitewear mark
from the Coiffe factory in Limoges France, who
used it after 1914. Therefore, this set is dated to
between the years of 1914-1920. (Source:
Collector's Encyclopedia of Limoges Porcelain, Third Edition, by Gaston,
pages 71, 89, 90). This is a pair of plates exactly alike and
ready for hanging on your wall. Although at first glance the figural
scene appears to be hand painted, we believe it is actually a combination of
transfer and hand painting. The gold was no doubt applied by hand.
Small gold beads surround the oval figural scene. They each measure 7
3/4" diameter. Gorgeous plates for any beautiful home.
Excellent condition.
Item #2518 |
#2369 Fish Plate by Mintons for Gilman
Collamore & Co, New York. Hand Painted. Signed.
Gold Rim. 9 1/2" diameter. Perfect condition.
Item #2369 |
#2370 Fish Plate by Mintons for Tiffany &
Co., New York. Hand Painted. Signed. Gold Rim.
9 1/2" diameter. Perfect condition.
Item #2370 |
#2252 Pair of French Pastoral Figural Trays/Plaques. Transfer
with hand painted finishing. (The beautiful pastoral scenes are
reproductions from the famous Francois Boucher, a French painter in the
mid-1700's. His work has been widely reproduced.) Inset handles. Beautiful deep blue
rims. Gold trim. Unmarked. Age and origin unknown,
but are most likely from recent years. Very pretty for decorative
purposes and could be displayed as wall plaques. Each measure
10 7/8" x 6
3/4" Excellent to perfect condition.
$195 Pair, August 2005 |
Item #2252 |